Hard-to-find information on vintage (and not so vintage) telecommunications is what you'll find on this site. The aim is to supplement (rather than duplicate) material easily found on other sites such the Telecommunications Heritage Group and the other sites linked from it.

The website is designed with the minimum of graphics to enable fast loading. Either click on one of these direct links, or if you have any questions, the answers are here below. Probably.


  • What is STROWGER?

Strowger is an electromechanical telephone switching system, known by the name Strowger in Britain and some English-speaking territories, and as 'step' or Step-by-Step (SxS) in North America. Although obsolescent now, it was once the most widely used telephone switching technology in the world. See this page for more.


  • What is STROWGER.NET?

A non-commercial website devoted largely to telephone lore, in particular to topics not widely discussed elsewhere and with a leaning to the positively obscure! It has no connection with or affiliation to any other organisation.


  • Who was STROWGER?

Almon B. Strowger is the man credited with inventing this system in the late 19th century. As with so many 'inventions', the development work was not his entirely unaided work but his was the first fully automatic switch to achieve commercial success and he certainly made the system what it is today.


  • How do you pronounce STROWGER?

The 'ow' is as in lower, not as in power. The G is pronounced as a J.


Last updated far too long ago by Andrew Emmerson. Comments welcome.

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Uncredited illustrations may appear on this website; every effort is made to avoid infringing copyright and the compiler trusts that any unintended breach will be notified to him so that due acknowledgement can be made.